Singularity preprocessing

Arguably the greatest strength of the dandelion package is a streamlined preprocessing setup making use of a variety of specialised single cell VDJ algorithms:

  1. V(D)J gene reannotation with igblastn and parsed to AIRR format with changeo’s [Gupta2015], with the pipeline strengthened by running blastn in parallel and using the best alignments

  2. Reassigning heavy chain IG V gene alleles with TIgGER [Gadala-Maria15]

  3. Reassigning IG constant region calls by blasting against a curated set of highly specific C gene sequences

  4. Quantifying mutations via SHazaM’s observedMutations

However, running this workflow requires a high number of dependencies and databases, which can be troublesome to set up. As such, we’ve put together a Singularity container that comes pre-configured with all of the required software and resources, allowing you to run the pre-processing pipeline with a single call and easy installation.

Setup and running

Once you have Singularity installed, you can download the Dandelion container. This command will create sc-dandelion_latest.sif, note its location.

singularity pull library://kt16/default/sc-dandelion:latest

In order to prepare your VDJ data for ingestion, create a folder for each sample you’d like to analyse, name it with your sample ID, and store the Cell Ranger all_contig_annotations.csv and all_contig.fasta output files inside.

├── all_contig_annotations.csv
└── all_contig.fasta

Please ensure that the only subfolders present in your folder are such per-sample subfolders with the .csv and .fasta files.

You can then navigate to the directory holding all your sample folders and run Dandelion pre-processing like so:

singularity run -B $PWD /path/to/sc-dandelion_latest.sif dandelion-preprocess

Any optional arguments get added at the end of this line.

If you’re running TR data rather than IG data, specify --chain TR to skip steps 2-4 in the preprocessing. This notably works with TRGD data, which most versions of Cell Ranger struggle to annotate correctly. However, the contigs are still reconstructed, so Dandelion’s preprocessing can annotate them for you.

You can provide the --filter_to_high_confidence flag to only keep the contigs that Cell Ranger has called as high confidence. If you wish to process files that have a different prefix than all, e.g. filtered_contig_annotations.csv and filtered_contig.fasta, provide the desired file prefix with --file_prefix. In that case, be sure that your input folder contains those files rather than the all ones. We use all as default as it’s possible to subset contigs to relevant ones later.

Optional arguments

By default, this workflow will analyse all provided IG samples jointly with TIgGER to maximise inference power, and in the event of multiple input folders will prepend the sample IDs to the cell barcodes to avoid erroneously merging barcodes overlapping between samples at this stage. TIgGER should be ran on a per-individual level. If running the workflow on multiple individuals’ worth of data at once, or wanting to flag the cell barcodes in a non-default manner, information can be provided to the script in the form of a CSV file passed through the --meta argument:

  1. The first row of the CSV needs to be a header identifying the information in the columns, and the first column needs to contain sample IDs.

  2. Barcode flagging can be controlled by an optional prefix/suffix column. The pipeline will then add the specified prefixes/suffixes to the barcodes of the samples. This may be desirable, as corresponding gene expression samples are likely to have different IDs, and providing the matched ID will pre-format the VDJ output to match the GEX nomenclature.

  3. Individual information for TIgGER can be specified in an optional individual column. If specified, TIgGER will be ran for each unique value present in the column, pooling the corresponding samples.

It’s possible to just pass a prefix/suffix or individual information. An excerpt of a sample CSV file that could be used on input:


If specifying a metadata file, only subfolders with names provided in the sample column will be processed.

The delimiter between the barcode and the prefix/suffix can be controlled with the --sep argument. By default, the workflow will strip out the trailing "-1" from the Cellranger ouput barcode names; pass --keep_trailing_hyphen_number if you don’t want to do that. Pass --clean_output if you want to remove intermediate files and just keep the primary output. The intermediate files may be useful for more detailed inspection.


The main file of interest will be dandelion/all_contig_dandelion.tsv, stored in a new subfolder each sample folder. This is an AIRR formatted export of the corrected contigs, which can be used for downstream analysis by both dandelion itself, and other packages like scirpy [Sturm2020] and changeo [Gupta2015].

The file above features a contig space filtered with immcantation. If this is not of interest to you and you wish to see the full contig space as provided on input, refer to dandelion/tmp/all_contig_iblast_db-all.tsv.

The plots showing the impact of TIgGER are in <tigger>/<tigger>_reassign_alleles.pdf, for each TIgGER folder (one per unique individual if using --meta, tigger otherwise). The impact of C gene reannotation is shown in dandelion/data/assign_isotype.pdf for each sample.

If you’re interested in more detail about the pre-processing this offers, or wish to use the workflow in a more advanced manner (e.g. by using your own databases), proceed to the pre-processing section of the advanced guide.